we are your Workplace wellness consultant & solutions provider

We help companies integrate health and wellness into the company’s core mission and values.

About US


Our vision is to implement a wellness program with support and commitment from the top down.

Achieving support from the company’s leaders guarantees a better return on investment and value of the company's wellness program. We help companies integrate health and wellness into the company’s core mission and values. With proper communication, incentives and tracking our wellness program has the ability to take your company and its employees to the next level. 

Our wellness platform builds a culture of total health for companies wanting to improve in career, emotional, mental, financial, physical and social wellbeing for the employees. We believe a corporate wellness program can only survive if it is meeting the needs of the company and employees and we work hand in hand with both to provide the best program. We help companies reframe their mindset around health from a reactive annually visit to the doctor to a proactive one where health is practiced daily through small lifestyle habits.


Research shows unhealthy employees cost the company money and loss of productivity. On average, sick days cost US employers $1,685 per employee per year.  Employees that participate in regular wellness programs tend to be sick less frequently and visit the doctor less, saving American corporations billions each year. Studies show sitting is becoming the new smoking because sedentary employees have an increased risk of chronic disease, low back and neck pain. Thus, just having our employees at their desk for 8 plus hours a day without an option to get up and move is raising company’s health care costs on average 7% each year. Companies that offer an effective wellness program only see an increase of health care cost of 1-3% per year.  

Companies that offer a multi-tiered wellness program see a higher rate of retention and overall increase in quality of employees. Consistent participation is key to any employee benefit program and even more so when it comes to health & wellness. We strive to have every employee, from the executives on down, participate in our programs. Building camaraderie through onsite wellness activities and our wellness portal will also positively impact morale and teamwork in the office.


Not only are wellness programs valuable for companies and their employees, they are our biggest hope to fixing a national health crisis Americans are currently facing. With 150 million Americans going to work each day, corporate America is not only in the best position to change our nation's health but has a responsibility to do so. Our wellness platform is designed to have consistent communication, education, engagement and incentivize your employees to generate a culture of health and wellness within your workspace battling the health crisis. 

We strive to provide work/life balance for your employees

With today’s busy lifestyle it is hard to fit everything into the day. The average American works 47 hours a week taking up the majority of time, even outweighing sleep at an average of 42 hours a week. Taking a break from your desk and electronic devices at work to engage in a company's wellness program helps keep your mind and life in balance. Thus, improving the company's morale and benefiting both the employee and company. 


It has been proven that employees who take short breaks to workout during the day are healthier, happier, less stressed and more focused while working at the desk. Stressed unfocused employees cost the company $0.37 on every dollar in lost productivity. Our customized fitness goals and challenges offered through our wellness portal, make it easy to stay active and productive during work. Also, our rewards and incentive program inspire employees to stay consistent with their wellness program.    


Education and support is one of the most empowering tools a company can provide to their employees. Chronic disease management programs help inform employees of options to improve their health giving them the tools they need to make a change. 86% of medical claims tied to chronic health conditions are considered among the most preventable through diet and exercise if provided with the right education first.  Through our Health Risk Assessment and content library, we provide companies with the right education to improve the employees’ health and company’s well-being.   


Our wellness platform, is the perfect wellness hub to connect and engage employees. With wearable device integration for activity tracking and creating leaderboards all the work is done for you. Connect employee’s through social streams, communities, events and challenges offering team building solutions and boosting comradery.  


Gain real-time health insights to measure success and understand your employee needs. Powered by data science, backed by 25 years of academic research, our platform generates reports, analytics and results. A healthy workforce drives better business results.