Should you Conduct a Company Wellness Assessment?

Are you looking to assess your company’s current state of wellness? Look no further. these tips and tools will help in a successful corporate wellness assessment.

Conducting an annual comprehensive wellness assessment is the foundation for any successful corporate wellness program. A wellness assessment forms a baseline of your company’s overall health. From there, you have the ability to compare year after year the data to show the benefits of offering a wellness program.

Just like a personal wellness journey, it is important to do an assessment of your company prior to beginning a wellness program. Knowing where to start the analysis can be daunting, use our simple Workplace Wellness Checklist to evaluate where your companies wellness program is today? By taking the time to assess your companies current state of wellness, you can identify areas for improvement and make positive changes to enhance the overall success of the program and your investment.

Along with your company wellness assessment, you will also need to be very clear on:

  • The goals and objectives of the companies wellness program

  • Understand the different components of wellness

  • Define how you will gather, monitor, and analyze data and results

  • Develop a customized program for your company

Developing a wellness program based on data allows for a corporate wellness program that companies can see a better return on investment and have a higher participation rate. Many people claim the numbers are to vague in corporate wellness to invest in a program. I disagree, a corporate wellness program is highly worth the investment if run properly. However, it can be very time consuming and laboring to collect and analyze the data of a corporate wellness program without the proper knowledge and tools. Having a digital tool, like the one in our wellness platform, that can assess and analyze the success of the corporate wellness program automatically makes this process a piece of cake.

If you are interested in learning more about our wellness assessment or wellness platform reach out to us today!


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