6 Exercises to boost your health and Wellness

Looking for the best exercises to boost your health and wellness?

The best way to burn calories and improve your health and wellness is to do multi-muscle group exercises. Combo exercises are great because they are more time efficient and help increase your heart rate, allowing you to burn more calories in less time while building muscle. So grab a pair of dumbbells and have fun!

Try this simple, 6-combo workout routine three times a week to boost your health and wellness.

1. Plie squat with a calf raise – Stand with feet wide, toes turned out, and drop into a squat. Keep your back upright and your glutes underneath you. As you stand from your squat, lift onto your toes for a calf raise. Perform 20 pile squats with a calf raise each set.

2. Mountain Climber Pushup – Starting in a high plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders and shoulder-width apart. Bring your right knee to the outside of your right elbow and then back to the plank position; repeat on the left side. Then bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle lowering into a pushup while keeping your core tight and neck long. Finally, press back up to the plank position and repeat for 15 reps.

3. Jog for 1 minute or perform any plyometric exercise you choose.

4. Step-up and curl – Place your right foot on a step box and step up, bringing your dumbbells to your shoulder for a bicep curl each time. Perform ten step-ups on the right and then repeat on the left.

5. Body Row – Starting in a high plank position holding dumbbells with your hands underneath your shoulders and shoulder-width apart. Bring one dumbbell back towards your hip, perform a row, and repeat on the other side for 20 reps. Keep your hips square and core tight throughout the movement.

6. Lunge and shoulder press – Start with your dumbbells at your shoulders, step back with the right leg into a lunge, and press the dumbbells towards the ceiling. Keep your shoulders stacked over your hips and knee over ankle while lunging. Repeat on the left side and perform a total of 20 reps.

Do the whole circuit three times with one-minute rest in between each circuit.

Resistance training has so many great benefits outside of looking good. Resistance training 3-4 times a week will increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, increase strength and balance, improve flexibility, and protect your joints from injury. Not to mention the other physical benefits of improved sleep quality, decreased anxiety/depression, improved mental health, and more self-confidence. Resistance training is even more critical as we age to keep bone density high and for women to help control hormones.


Podcast: The Growing Popularity of corporate wellness
