How Well Are YOU?

Have you found yourself stuck in a rut since being social distanced for so long? Are you looking for ways to wind down or relieve stress? How about your family members or kids? Our social and mental health play a very important role in our overall well-being.

For some of us, we may find that not having the same social life as we did has left us feel empty, lonely or even a little depressed. Humans by nature, evaluate their lives based off the social connections we create. Naturally, we feel more centered when connected to others. I highly encourage if you have not already, creating a socially distanced circle of friends. This may be one or two friends or families that you can trust to be around during these unprecedented times to lean on and be connected with. This goes for our kids as well. We need to know we are not in this alone. Additionally, having a mindful routine can help you process these emotions that arrive from being socially distanced.

Beginning a mindful practice is a great way to care for your mental health. Simply put, mindfulness is quietly noticing what is going on for us, in the present moment, without passing judgement. A mindful individual is not reflecting about the past or fretting about the future; they are simply being here in the present. There are many forms and techniques that bring the sense of being mindful or present and ideally you want to find one you enjoy.

Mindfulness practices are also very important to help individuals cope with change. During this time of COVID-19 where the situation is so fluid it is important to be able to approach each day with an open mind and heart. Most of us are trying to cope with changes still at work, as well as the ever changing school situation right now. Coping with change in a workplace requires employees to adapt to the lack of control around a certain situation. Practicing mindfulness allows individuals to decrease stress due to lack of job control, that often occurs during organization or standard changes. Make sure to give yourself the grace you need to adapt and be mindful within your job. Also, utilize wellness resources within your company to help destress.

The school situation is less than ideal right now and causing many of us high anxiety and stress. Use this as an opportunity to talk with and teach your kids how to be mindful. Start first with controlling your stress and having those difficult conversations about the school situation away from your children. There is a good chance your kids are feeling blue and all the same emotions you are about this school year. Remember to evaluate their emotions and provide them with tools to better process the situation and their emotions. Kids need an outlet just as adults do. Encourage them to get outside and be physically active as much as possible. Another simple technique can be just closing your eyes and breathing deeply for a 5 count inhale and 5 count exhale for one minute.

5 Of My Favorite Stress Reducing Activities For All Ages

  1. Hiking — There is something about being out in natural that just melts the stress away. I often take me kids for nature walks or short hikes to enjoy the simpler side of life.

  2. Coloring — Have you ever noticed when you color its hard to allow the mind to wonder? Coloring brings quietness and mindfulness to the forefront and is a great way to reduce anxiety and stress.

  3. Breaking a sweat — For me its running. Running is like therapy. However, it could be any activity that allows you to break a sweat and get the release of those “feel good endorphins and hormones”.

  4. Music — Whether it is creating music, dancing to music or simply just cranking the radio and listening to music it can have a powerful affect on the mind. I find listening to music can help me feel like I am not alone and reduce the stress around many situations.

  5. Breathing — Our breath is our life line and so under utilized in bringing us back to the present moment, stopping us from spiraling out of control. It is simple, effective and can be done anywhere.

Looking for more ideas on how to implement wellness into your job or life?


3 Ways TO Stick to Your Resolutions
