A Win-Win strategy: Add “well-being” to your employee benefits plan
The role of an in-person workforce has changed drastically since mid-2020. For various reasons, some industries still feel the effects of the “Great Resignation” that rocked the state of employment in the US and worldwide. In the wake of the incredible shift in POVs of what it means to be an active member of the workforce—as an owner, have a leadership role, be on the board, act as a manager, or be a front-line staff employee—the expectations for benefits have become a point of competition.
The four main types of employee benefits are:
Medical / Dental / Vision care
Future financial provisions
Paid time off and general leaves of absence
Work-life balance allowances
In today’s employee-centered job market, many companies are scrambling to offer attractive benefits packages in addition to monetary compensation. Depending on the size of your organization, there may be specific parameters that must be offered. Anything you decide to provide alongside the necessary items can and should be part of a plan that provides benefits to you and your employees.
Having a well-rounded well-being is a fantastic way to enhance the lives of your staff and increase your bottom line. Employees who feel good tend to provide better in-person service to customers, call in sick less often, and even be more productive when they are in the office. Each of these items (and there are SO many more!), create that win-win feeling employees are looking for in today’s job market.
When you give your employees the tools they need to be happy physically and mentally, more good things happen for them personally and professionally. Your well-being plan can be incredibly simple or a uniquely detailed, truly specific creation just for your company. Movement 1st Wellness expertly guides you to find the corporate wellness solution that will work best for you.
“Happy employees lead to happy customers, which leads to more profits.”
-- Vaughn Aust // COO, Gemini
Your well-being plan can be multi-faceted and even fun! Consider offering an in-office portion that overlaps and supports what your employees do out of the office. For example, you can provide healthy snacks and drinks in the lunchroom to your on-site associates and possibly send similar items every so often to your off-site staff. Think fruit, pre-cut veggies, protein bars, no-sugar-added flavored drinks, etc. Involve everyone in a group morning stretch or moment of silence to encourage a sense of calm and balance – this can be done on- an off-site quickly and as an entire group! Beyond this, having a wellness team who can implement and lead initiatives will further benefit you and your staff members. From guided workouts to a corporate wellness platform to paying for gym memberships, the idea list is as endless as the benefits associated with being active and eating well.
wellness benefits everyone.
Employees who feel good tend to provide better in-person service to customers, call in sick less often, and even be more productive when they are in the office.
To ensure your efforts to increase employee wellness are positively received and acted on, make sure to include a rewards system, be open to changes needed as the face of your staff changes, and offer a way to receive support if a staff member needs a little more help. Though not immediate, you will see improvement across multiple facets of your business with a comprehensive well-being plan in place.