Working out for the Love of Wellness
When it comes to improving your overall wellness, there are many aspects you can focus on: mindset, nutrition, safety measures, stress management, sleep quality, etc. One of the most popular topics within the “wellness sphere” is your workout routine.
Creating a corporate wellness program has the potential to initiate a long list of wins for your team and your company.
Working out can feel like a really big, scary commitment. For some, this is the easiest part of wellness to focus on and improve on—the challenge is exciting! For others, it seems like an impossible task—the time feels like a black hole, and the routine can feel repetitive.
At the beginning of the year, the month, and even the week, we so often say, “Today is the day I’m going to __ (fill in the blank) __.!” And then something comes up, or we talk ourselves out of it, or we find a million other little things that “need to be taken care of now.”
When you change your mindset to look at your workout as something you do FOR yourself instead of something you do TO yourself, it takes on a whole new meaning, and you truly will fall in love with the idea that it is an integral piece of your overall wellness and a time of your day to be cherished. So, no matter how you feel about the workout you are doing (or avoiding doing), it is important to know why devoting at least a little time in your day to a workout should be non-negotiable.
Let’s look at a few of the most positive benefits of daily movement on your overall wellness that go beyond achieving a particular body shape or size into loving and caring for your body.
Improve your overall health markers by reducing the risk of chronic diseases related to poor circulation and lack of movement. It can also ramp up your energy level, improve sleep quality, and boost your immunity.
Regular exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function, memory, and overall brain health. Moving your body pushes out toxins that can otherwise build up into that dreaded “brain fog” feeling. Your workout routine can literally make you more focused and productive throughout the day.
Movement and resistance training naturally reduce stress. A workout's repetitive nature invites a heightened focus while you fixate on perfecting your movements. Challenging your mind and body together encourages the release of oxytocin. This powerful hormone can positively affect your overall mood and well-being as it reduces cortisol levels and promotes feelings of calm and relaxation.
Working out consistently has been shown to improve your self-esteem and body confidence. Turns out gaining strength, flexibility, or speed (or whatever your goal is) changes your mindset about your body. With time, it can increase your desire to care for your body even more and achieve new physical accomplishments. Go ahead, put your sweat-it-out time on your self-care to-do list!
Work-life gets better when you feel better, your thoughts are more precise, and you know you can do the hard things that lead to big accomplishments. You’ll call in sick less and be more attentive when you are there. Who knows, if you keep going and growing, getting better at the gym could lead to getting better at work, and that could get you your next promotion, a raise, or that corner office you’ve been dreaming about.
The endorphins that get released combine with building confidence as small, daily goals are met to create happier, more engaged employees.
As you begin putting in the work that goes into setting up and following through with a fitness plan, you will have good days and difficult days. This is normal! Formally determining your reasons for WHY you are doing this is a great way to remain motivated.
Your "why" statement should reflect your personal goals so it will naturally be different from those around you. The more specific an overall goal is, the more helpful it will be for you to fall in love with the process of wellness, not the destination. For example, I have found success with clients when they change their “why” from “lose 10lbs” to “gain energy and confidence, so I feel more comfortable with friends, family, and in other social situations.”
When you feel the overall improvements created by working out, you may feel like you have just found a magic pill (you know, after the initial soreness subsides!). Trust me, it will improve many things, but working out will only solve some of your problems. What it will do is make you feel better, and that makes you WANT to accomplish more with your new energy and confidence.
Make sure to check with your healthcare provider before embarking on something new. But overall, falling in love with a workout routine and making it happen regularly has so many positive possible effects on your life as a whole… why wouldn’t you work toward it?
Since working out and being active in general is not just an “at the gym thing,” it is really a “whole life thing,” it makes sense to have a piece of it in your workplace. Movement 1st Wellness has the resources you need and the experience you can count on to create a custom plan for your corporate setting that will benefit your staff and your business' health. After all, when your team feels better, they perform better, and that’s a win-win for everyone!